House System
S.M. Public Academy Campus – 5’s vibrant House System includes all students from Pre-Nursery to Grade 10, encouraging participation in sports and extra-curricular activities, promoting fair play, school spirit, positive rivalry and leadership development. Our House System comprises of four houses which foster strong bonds with fellow students, and provide a healthy competitiveness through inter-house activities, house events and fund raising events. Each house is named after a bird. When the initial letters of houses are written together, they form the abbreviation of S.M. Public Academy i-e. S.M.P.A. Each house owns its discrete characteristic and its very own slogan.
The Four Houses
Swifts are named after a highly ariel bird who has exceptionally long wings and chunky, powerful body. Their distinct qualities are loyalty, elegance, friendliness, peacefulness and grace.

Pelicans are named after large water birds which are famous for having throat pouches to catch fish. They are saliently self-sacrificers, nurturers, generous, responsible, lovable and co-operative.

Merlins are named after a small species of Falcon from the Northern Hemisphere. They are discretely victorious, superior, loyal, strengthful, energetic and steadfast.

Albatross are named after large seabirds, ranging widely in the Southern Ocean and the North Pacific. Albatross at S.M. Public Academy Campus – 5 are unmistakably successful, visionary, faithful, admirable and independent.

House themed trousers and T-shirts makeup each house uniform. An amazing sense of school spirit is developed among students through their house experience and they take pride in the accomplishments of their house.
Throughout the academic session students participate in various Inter-School activities and competitions culminating in April with the Annual Result Day. On the day, the entire year’s accomplishments are showcased and the winning house is announced.