Student Council

S.M. Public Academy Campus – 5 Student Council Elections are held once a year to elect the Student Council that comprises of
a ‘Head Boy’, a ‘Head Girl’ and various ‘Prefects’.
The management invites nominations from the senior classes for these privileged positions. This is considered a very healthy activity for children and, from the invitation of nominations to the oath taking ceremony of elected candidates, every moment is cherished deeply by our student body.
Students seem to be thoroughly involved during the days of elections. Young ones are seen behaving maturely. The nominated candidates prepare their promotional material. Colourful posters and placards are designed. Caucus speeches are composed. Posters are put up all over the school. Candidates go around campaigning for their promotion and are wholly immersed and involved in this activity till the Election Day. On the Election Day, our watchful staff conducts the poll and after the counting of votes our Student Council is announced at a brief Oath Taking Ceremony.
Luckily, our students are sensible and realize that becoming a member of Student Council is not about wearing a sash across their body and enjoying the title, rather it brings a great responsibility and duty that has to be accomplished with dedication and diligence.
The general duties of Student Council include maintaining discipline among fellow students, checking for cleanliness and helping teachers in the maintenance of discipline. These young scrutineers can also be seen vigilant in morning assembly and recess time, assisting teachers and co-ordinators in other such ways.
This process helps develop leadership skills and capabilities in the students that is further enhanced throughout their time in school and beyond.